Date Range Selection

The problem

Users were having major issues with the calendar system and how the comparison of date ranges worked. There were two separate buttons for the date ranges: the selected date range and the comparison date range. Clicking on either of them opened a separate calendar view. In the popup, there were two calendars: one for the start date and one for the end date. This was a mess to use.

The Solution

I visually separated the selected date range and the date range it was compared against. I took the template comparison date range options and expressed them with words next to the selected date range. If a custom date range was used, it was then shown with absolute values. I also removed the two side-by-side calendars from the popup entirely and used one calendar for selecting the start and end dates. I also made the comparison calendar optional with a checkbox. 

The End result

Users were pleased with the end result, and according to testing, they understood the concept very well, thus improvement was being made.