Covert Ops (Royalty-Free)


Basic info:

Created by Olli Suoranta (

I had a N64- or PS1-era espionage-type video game in mind when I composed and produced this pack of music. It contains a collection of tracks (.wav) for your agent adventures. The package contains seven tracks, rotating around the same themes; feel free to use it in any order, shape, or form; it doesn’t even have to be about agents.  


  • ✅ You can use the material both non-commercially and commercially. 
  • ✅ You can modify, remix, adapt, and/or build upon the material. 
  • 🚫 You cannot re-distribute or resell the material, even if it is modified.


🙏🏼 Credit is appreciated, but NOT required.

Track list:

  1. Main Menu
  2. Briefing
  3. Lurking In The Shadows
  4. Caught In Action 1
  5. Caught In Action 2
  6. Caught In Action 3
  7. The End

